JIANG Shaowei, MD,PhD

    • Department:
      • ER
      • Adult Fever
      • Urgent Care
      • Rabies Prevention and Vaccination
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English,  Français

    Dr. JIANG Shaowei received his bachelor's degree in Clinical Medicine from Wuhan University in 2006. At the same time, he acquired a double major in Scientific English from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In 2008, he graduated from The University of Paris VI with a Master's degree in Emergency Medicine. From 2018 to 2019, he studied as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Utah School of Medicine for one year. He received his doctor of Clinical Medicine degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine in 2020.

    During his master's studies, Dr. Jiang trained in Emergency Department, Multiple Trauma Centers, Intensive Care Units and pre-hospital emergency units (SAMU) in several teaching hospitals in Paris. He has worked in the Emergency Department of The Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University and Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine for 13 years. He has rich clinical experience in the standardized treatment of acute and critical patients, and is proficient in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, endotracheal intubation, deep vein catheterization, hemodiafiltration, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, etc., especially good at bedside ultrasound and various operations under the guidance of ultrasound. At the same time, as the instructor of emergency medical training base, he trained medical students and advanced doctors.

    Dr. Jiang has also been engaged in a number of clinical scientific research and has published more than 10 SCI articles. He has published a series of high-level SCI papers in J Neurosurg, Int J Surg, J Am Chem Soc, J Inflamm Res and other journals with a total impact factor of more than 40 points. He is also an invited reviewer of Current Microbiology. As the main participant, he participated in the general project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the project of Young National Natural Science Foundation of China and the project of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. He has also been involved in multi-center prospective randomized controlled clinical studies in China and has extensive experience in the design, registration and conduct of multi-center clinical studies. He is also the youth member of chest Pain Committee of China Medical Care Association.

    Dr. Jiang has received the Certificate of Basic Life support from American Heart Association, 5C Certificate of Critical Medicine specialty from Chinese Medical Association, Shanghai Emergency ICU Blood Purification Training Certificate, and National Medical Equipment User Professional Ability Assessment Certificate.  


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