YAO Hongxia, MD,外院(External Specialist)

    • Department:
      • Gynecology
      • Cervical Disease Clinic
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:

    Dr. YAO Hongxia is currently the deputy chief physician of gynecology in Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Health Hospital, master of Medicine. She is a member of Shanghai Women's Disease Rehabilitation Committee, a member of Obstetrics and Gynecology Special Committee of Shanghai Biomedical Engineering Society, a member of laser special Committee of Shanghai Medical Association, the founder of Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Hospital laser team and opened a special clinic for laser treatment of reproductive tract diseases.

    Dr. Yao graduated from West China Medical Center of Sichuan University with a master's degree in gynecological oncology in 2003, and then worked in Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Health Hospital. She has published more than 10 papers, including 2 SCI papers.

    Director Yao specializes in the diagnosis and management of cervical and vaginal diseases.
    ● Colposcopy: more than 1000 cases per year, skilled technique. She worked as trainee doctors to mentor young doctors.
    ● Cervical LEEP: about 200 cases per year. The annual volume of hysteroscopic surgery has reached nearly 100 cases.
    ● Laser therapy: the annual operation volume is more than 200 cases. The laser team of the department is established to train young doctors to undertake difficult operations.
    ● Photodynamic therapy: As a good means of non-invasive and complementary treatment, Director Yao began to cooperate with the dermatology department in 2012 to introduce the treatment of cervical diseases, which has developed into a mature treatment method and is widely used in clinical practice.


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