LU Yunshu(External Specialist), MD, PhD

    • Department:
      • Benign Breast Disease
      • Breast Cancer Clinic
      • Breast Oncology Surgery & Reconstruction
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:

    Dr. LU Yunshu serves as a multi-site physician of Breast Institute at Jiahui Health and Associate Chief Physician of Breast Surgery Department at Xinhua Hospital, affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine.

    Dr.Lu is the Master's Supervisor at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, the Standing Committee member of Shanghai Medical Women's Association Breast Society, the Youth Committee member of Shanghai Anticancer Association Breast Cancer Society, as well as the Youth Committee member of Chinese Society of Breast Surgeons. She is also the Secretary of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Health Committee Breast Disease Group. Dr. Lu went for a visiting scholar in Breast Surgery Department of Shanghai Cancer Hospital and Breast Center of Klinikum St. Georg Hospital Leipzig, Germany.

    u has been specialized in breast surgery for over 20 years, and is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease. Dr.Lu has extensive expertise in the early diagnosis and standardized comprehensive treatment of benign and malignant breast tumors. She respects the medical concept of "scientific treatment, humanistic care".

    Dr.Lu specializes in breast surgery including minimally invasive resection of benign breast tumors, axillary excision, modified radical mastectomy, oncoplastic breast conservation, and implant-based breast reconstruction after mastectomy, endoscopic breast surgery, etc.


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