Cynthia FAN,

    • Department:
      • Pediatrics
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English

    Cynthia FAN, Speech therapist. Graduated from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, majoring in Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation. After graduation, she joined Jiahui, where she worked for one year as an audiologist and a speech therapist, providing hearing tests, speech evaluations, and therapy. Later, she went to Northwestern University in the United States for a two-year Master's program in Speech language and pathology, and obtained a Master's degree in Speech Therapy. She joined Jiahui again in 2023.
    She specialize in assessing, intervening, and treating speech development delays, stuttering, articulation disorders, and voice problems in both Chinese and English-speaking children. She is also experienced in providing support to children with speech disorders resulting from conditions such as autism and attention deficit and hyperactive disorders, as well as their families. 


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