WU Yang(External Specialist), MD, PhD

Current Appointment:Dr. WU Yang is an Orthopedics consultant at Jia Hui Health
Clinical Experience:
Dr.WU is an attending physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University
Specialty: Diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic and sports medicine related diseases
Including but not limited to knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, hip and other joint pain injury diagnosis and arthroscopic minimally invasive treatment. Proficient in the conservative treatment of osteoarthritis, periarthritis of shoulder, meniscus and ligament injuries, including but not limited to shock wave, closure, PRP and other treatments.
Academic Achievement:
-Member and secretary of Youth Committee, Sports Medicine Branch, Shanghai Medical Association
-Member of the first Sports Medicine Professional Committee of Shanghai Association of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine
-Member of foot and Ankle Committee, Sports Medicine Branch, Chinese Medical Association
CAI Zhengdong(External Specialist), MD, PhD

主任医师,教授 ,博士生导师
蔡郑东教授为国务院特殊津贴专家,现任上海市骨肿瘤研究所所长、上海交通大学医学院骨科学院副院长、上海市第一人民医院骨科临床中心学科带头人、上海市一金坛分院院长,是我国著 名骨科和骨肿瘤专家。
- 骨肿瘤外科和关节外科
- 骨肿瘤外科,尤其擅长骨盆肿瘤切除与功能重建、四肢肿瘤保肢、脊柱及骶骨肿瘤切除和重建
- 各类人工关节置换及翻修(人工髋关节置换、人工膝关节置换等)
- 先天性关节畸形矫正
- 中华医学会骨科分会委员
- 中国骨科医师协会委员
- 中华医学会骨科分会骨肿瘤学组、关节学组委员
- 中国肿瘤学会骨肿瘤专委会转移瘤学组组长
- 中国康复医学会关节康复专委会副主委
- 上海市骨肿瘤研究所所长
- 上海骨科专业委员会副主任委员
- 上海骨科医师协会副会长
- 《中国骨关节杂志》编委
- 《中华骨科杂志》常务编委
- 《中华关节外科杂志》编委
ZHOU Qi, MD,PhD,外院(External Specialist)

- 中国骨科菁英会运动医学全国委员。
- 中国医药教育协会肩肘运动医学委员会全国委员。
- 上海市医师协会骨科分会肩肘学组委员
- 上海市社会医疗机构协会骨科分会运动医学专业委员会委员。
- 上海市科技普及志愿者协会健康科普分会骨科委员会常务委员
- 上海市中西医结合学会骨伤科委员会青年委员
- 国际关节镜膝关节运动医学协会(ISAKOS)会员
- 亚太膝关节镜与运动医学协会(AKPASS)会员
主持上海市卫计委自然科学基金。已在国际SCI系列杂志发表论文及国内权 威核心期刊第一作者及通信作者发表论著15篇。获全军运动医学青年论坛一等奖。获发明专利1项。主编参编专著3部。
XU Liang, MD, PhD

徐 亮 (じょ・りょうXu Liang)医師・医学博士
● 日本臨床実習医(2011年-2013年)
● 北海道帯広市 北斗病院 整形外科・スポーツ外科(2013年-2016年)
● 北海道大学病院 整形外科(2016年-2021年)
● 日本・中国両国の医師免許取得し臨床従事
● スポーツ医学、骨折の外傷治療、変形性の骨・関節疾患に対する機能再建
● 上肢・下肢のスポーツ傷害に対する低侵襲な関節鏡治療。 膝の半月板損傷、軟骨損傷、十字靭帯損傷の再建、膝蓋骨脱臼および多様な複合損傷、肩関節の腱板損傷、上腕二頭筋腱炎、バンカート損傷およびあらゆる肩の不安定性、肘関節、手首、股関節、足首などにおける関節唇、軟骨および靭帯損傷など。
● 変形性骨・関節疾患の再建:人工股関節、人工膝関節など。
● 全身の骨折に対する外傷治療
● 骨格筋・骨格系の健康管理
● 日本医師会会員
● 日本整形外科学会会員
● 日本関節鏡・スポーツ医学学会会員
● 日本北海道整形災害外科学会会員
● 北海道大学医学部大学院 機能再生医学分野 整形外科学教室 医局員
米国スポーツ整形外科学術雑誌(AJSM :American Journal of Sports Medicine) 、複数の再生医療専門国際学会誌で学術論文を発表。米国整形外科基礎学会(ORS:Orthopaedic Research Society)、国際軟骨再生学会(ICRS:International Cartilage Repair Society)等で発表。
WANG Hui(External Specialist), MD, PhD

Current Appointment:
Dr. WANG Hui is an Orthopedics consultant at Jiahui Health
Clinical Experience:
Graduated from Shanghai Jia Tong University, has been working in Orthopedics department of Shanghai Xin Hua Hospital for more than 10 years. Professional title is Associate Chief Physician. He has15 articles were published, of which 9 were SCI.
Diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries, he is good at Arthroscopy surgery for shoulder and knee Sports injury; Diagnosis, treatment and surgical treatment of limb fracture related diseases.
Academic Achievement:
- Member of Osteoporosis Group of Orthopedic Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
- Member of Sports medicine Special Committee of Shanghai Chinese and Western Medical Association
- Shanghai Yangpu District Xinhua Hospital Medical Science Recommendation Talent Pool
Dr. Wang presided over and participated in projects: 1 National Natural Science Foundation project (presided over), 1 special project of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (presided over), and 1 clinical special project of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission (participated in).
Awards Received:
The Second Prize for Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education
Outstanding Youth of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital
LIANG Yu(External Specialist), MD, PhD

Chief Physician, Professor
Current Appointment:
Dr. Yu Liang is the Spine Surgery consultant at Jia Hui Hospital
Clinical Experience:
Dr. Yu Liang started working in orthopedic clinical practice in August 1985 and was promoted to Chief Physician in November 2003. Currently, he is the Deputy Chief of Orthopedics and Department Chair of Spinal Surgery at Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
Dr. Yu Liang is specialty in various spinal fractures and dislocations with nerve damage. Various spinal deformities, including adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, adult scoliosis, and post traumatic spinal deformities, as well as various degenerative diseases of the spine, including lumbar disc herniation, spinal stenosis, lumbar spondylolisthesis, cervical myelopathy,cervical radiculopathy by means of non-surgical and minimally invasive surgical treatments. He is also an expert in the field of diagnosis and treatment method for osteoporosis and osteoporotic spinal fractures.
Academic Achievement:
- Director & Secretary of the International Minimally Invasive Spinal Association Asia Pacific (SMISS-AP)
- Member of Spine Science Group of Orthopedic Branch of Chinese Medical Association
- Founder Leader of the Spinal Microscopy Group of Chinese Association of Orthopedic Surgeon
- Committee Member of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association
- Committee Member of the Computer Assisted Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Biotechnology Society
- Committee Member of Minimally Invasive Orthopedics Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
- Chairman of the Minimally Invasive Orthopedic Professional Committee of Shanghai Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
- Leader of the Minimally Invasive Group of the Orthopedic Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association
- Former Officer of Spine Center & Fellowships for AOSpine Asia Pacific Council
- Former Education Officer of AOSpine China Chapter
Dr. Yu Liang visited Orthopedics Department of the University of Grenoble Medical Center in France, the Orthopedics Department of the Nevada State University Medical Center in the United States, and the Las Vegas International Spinal Surgery Center, as well as the Orthopedics Department of Guy and St. Thomas Hospital at the University of London in the United Kingdom and the Spinal Surgery Department of the Queen's Medical Center at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom for further studies in spinal column surgery. In 2005, he received funding from the Hundred Talents Program of Shanghai Second Medical University and went to the Orthopedics Department of the University of Bordeaux Medical Center in France for a short-term visit.
CHEN Shiyi(External Specialist), MD,PhD

陈教授于1982年浙江医科大学毕业,之后于北京医科大学和上海医科大学联合培养获运动医学硕士学位,师从顾玉东院士获复旦大学骨外科学博士学位。陈教授从事运动医学科近40年,在中国自主产权人工韧带研发和应用方面享国际声誉,首创膝前交叉韧带类等长重建技术,20余次受邀国际大会发言;他在肩关节巨大肩袖撕裂手术方面的创新技术被国外同道誉为Chinese way并被广泛采用。他重视运动康复,在国内优先倡导"功能至上、早期康复、重返运动”作为骨科运动医学治疗宗旨。 现任复旦大学运动医学研究所所长,华山医院运动医学科学科带头人,兼任上海市人民政府参事、中央保健办会诊专家。
- 中华医学会运动医疗分会主任委员
- 中国骨科医师协会运动医学专委会和关节镜专委会主委
- 亚太膝关节-关节镜-运动医学会(APKASS)主席
- 中国非公医疗机构协会运动医学与运动康复专委会创始主委
- 国际关节镜-膝关节-骨科运动医学学会(ISAKOS)全球核心执委
- "美国运动医学杂志(AJSM)"编委。
陈教授是上海首批百人计划和浦江人才成员、国家863人工韧带项目首席专家、国家科技部创新团队运动创伤与修复核心成员。作为中国人工韧带发明人,他拥有发明专利27项,已成功转化并完成中国人工韧带多中心临床试验,临床效果优 秀。获973、863、国重、国自然等10余项国家基金2500多万资助, 发表学术论文341篇(SCI 140篇),主编(译)副主编专著31本,其中主编国内第一部《现代骨科运动医学》获第十六届上海图书奖一等奖、“实用运动处方-医生教程”等专著。作为运动医学著 名导师,他共培养了百余名硕士、博士和博士后研究生,700余名骨科运动医学进修医生,获2019年复旦大学优 秀导学团队唯 一医科获奖导师。先后获“国家科技进步二等奖(2020)”、“中华医学二等奖(2019)”、“中国康复医学会科学技术奖一等奖(2017)”等10余项科技奖。先后被授予国际运动医学关节镜领域最高荣誉"Takagi- Watanabe(高木—渡边)奖"、“2014 亚太-美国运动医学院旅行院士及教父”、“第四届国之大医.卓越建树”奖、“第九届吴介平-保罗.杨森奖”、“世界内镜杰出领袖奖”、“华山医院首届杰出贡献奖”、“华山最高人才奖-华峰奖”等荣誉。他连续18年担任国际汽联F1赛车中国首席医务官,创建中国赛车医疗救援体系,制定并编写三本国家赛车运动医疗保障规则与标准,担任中国汽摩运动联合会医学委员会主席;担任伦敦奥运会中国奥委会医务官与里约奥运会医务专家,2019年担任“第七届世界军人运动会”医疗官; 他是刘翔、邹市明、徐莉佳、毛剑卿、董瀚麟、陈赫、东方比利等众多文体名人的主治医生。2021年,他被国家体育总局授予全国群体先进个人称号。
FENG Mingguang, MD

Orthopedic Surgeon at Jiahui Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Work Experience:
- 2012 – 2017 Armed Police Corps Hospital of Shanghai, Attending and Senior Attending Surgeon of the Department of Orthopedics
- 2017 – 2020 Shanghai 7th Hospital Affiliated with the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Attending Surgeon of the Department of Joint Surgery
- 2020 – 2022 Tong Ren Hospital Affiliated with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Senior Attending Surgeon of the Department of Joint Surgery
Fields of Expertise: Joint Surgery (Arthroplasty), Sports Medicine, Reconstructive Surgery for Joint Injuries and Deformities, Joint Surgery Rehabilitation
Dr Mingguang FENG has worked as an orthopedic surgeon for over 30 years mainly managing Joint Replacement (Arthroplasty), Sports Medicine, and Orthopedic Trauma cases. He specializes in joint diseases such as, but not limited to:
- hip (adult development dysplasia of the hip, osteonecrosis of the femoral head)
- knee (degenerative changes of the knees, osteoarthritis, ligament injuries of the knees, patellofemoral instability)
- shoulder (rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulders)
- ankle (ankle ligament injuries, ankle instability)
He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the numerous joint pathologies requiring hip, knee and shoulder joint replacement (joint arthroplasty) and minimally-invasive arthroscopic procedures for the knee, shoulder and ankle. Dr Mingguang Feng also is also experienced in the management of fractures and deformity reconstructive surgery around the joints (peri-articular fractures and deformities).
Academic Achievements:
- Committee member of the Chinese Medical Association division of the Sports Medicine (Current)
- Committee member of the Shanghai Medical Association division of Joint Surgery (Current)
- Committee member of the Shanghai Medical Doctor Association division of Sports Medicine (Former)
- Focuses on the academic research and development of Orthopedics, took charge of numerous academic, research and clinical grants of the Chinese Military and Shanghai Municipal Committees. He has published over 40 scientific articles both locally and internationally and was a contributing author in numerous academic texts including “Knee Replacement Revision Surgery”.
YAO Zhenjun(External Specialist), MD

姚振均医生一向致力于中国骨科事业发展,在《中华外科杂志》、《中华创伤杂志》、《复旦医学报》等发表论文50余篇。参与编写有关专著及教材数篇,主译主编专著各2部。1987年公派法国巴黎生命之树及Bazancourt医院进修,1997年在美国费城杰弗森医院参观学习,1999年赴德国汉堡Endo Clinic骨关节专科医院进修学习人工关节置换术,2004年在香港玛丽医院骨科交流学习,此后还多次到美国、德国、法国、瑞士、澳大利亚等著 名的骨科诊疗中心参观并参与学术交流。
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