Dear Sir/Madam:
Thank you for choosing the Jiahui Health Surgery Center for your incision and abscess drainage with or without debridement. We sincerely wish to provide you with a top quality healthcare experience. To fully prepare for your surgical procedure, please read through the following instructions:
Before surgery
1. Please let your doctor know if you are taking aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), warfarin, or any other blood-thinning medications. If necessary, your doctor might request that you stop taking these medications for about a week before the surgical procedure.
Please follow your surgeon's advice as directed unless instructed by your cardiologist or any other specialist doctors to continue taking these medications.
2. Your doctor may request that you undergo an ultrasound or X-ray examination before surgery to check for the presence of foreign substances.
3. Your doctor may give you medications for your pain (either pills or injections) before an extensive debridement to reduce pain and discomfort.
After surgery
1. Wound care
• Depending on your situation and type of surgical procedure, your doctor may decide whether your wound dressing should be changed by a nurse or you can change the dressing at home by yourself. If you are caring for the wound at home by yourself, please closely follow instructions given by our medical staff, especially the following:
○ Frequency of changing the wound dressing
○ Type of wound cleansing solution required
○ Type of wound dressing required
○ Method of cleansing, packing, dressing, and bandaging your wound
• You might need a wound drain (rubber tube) inserted by your doctor to remove infected pus. Please follow your doctor's instructions closely to care for your wound drain at home
• Keep your wound dressing bandage clean and dry. You may want to cover your dressing to prevent it from getting wet when bathing
2. Diet
• Start with a soft diet and gradually resume with a healthy diet
• Add protein to your diet to help with wound healing
• Refrain from alcohol, smoking, and spicy food
3. Activity
• Avoid stretching and strenuous exercise to prevent bleeding, tearing, and swelling around your wound
4. Medications
• After surgery, your doctor will prescribe you some antibiotic pills to eliminate the infection. It is possible your doctor may switch your antibiotic pills depending on your culture results. The culture results usually require 2 to 4 days. Please finish all your medications as instructed by your doctor
5. Follow-up appointments
• Please attend follow-up appointments as instructed. Follow-up appointments are important for your doctor to review the recovery progress for your wound, and treat you accordingly
6. When to contact your doctor
Please contact your doctor immediately if you have any of the following:
• Worsening or severe pain
• Continuous bleeding
• Increased redness or swelling in the area
• Fever higher than 38.0°C
• The wound drain accidentally dislodges before the planned removal date
Click the link for more information on General Surgery Clinical Service